As bitcoin becomes more integrated into traditional financial infrastructure, the need for regulatory clarity grows. The legal framework in Switzerland is influenced by the political system and implemented by supervisory authorities such as FINMA.
CVJ.CH interviewed representatives of the most popular Swiss parties in advance of the upcoming national and cantonal elections to find out their stance on cryptocurrencies and how much priority they give to them in their political activity. All parties were contacted several times, below is a compilation of the responses received.
Swiss People's Party (SVP Switzerland)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, it’s been over 6 years since my first transactions. Besides the technical aspect, I am interested in the potential impact on the economy and society. More competition in the financial system is very welcome.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I consider excessive regulation or even bans to be the greatest danger for crypto assets, because of course a ban would not be technically feasible, but it would prevent institutional investors from investing. But that is exactly what is needed for the journey to the moon.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: Very high in the sense that I am convinced it holds great potential and is also an opportunity for Switzerland, which has been active since the beginning but must be careful not to fall behind. The same applies to NFT, DAO and other applications.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
I follow this topic regularly.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: I am committed to a financial market that is as free as possible – also in favor of digital currencies. However, physical currencies, namely cash, must be retained in the future.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Of course I am involved with cryptocurrencies and out of full conviction I also own some: While fiat money is centralized and manipulated by politicians, cryptocurrencies are organized in a decentralized way and thus less susceptible to inflationary monetary policy.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Clearly NO!
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: The priority is very high, but politicians must not lapse into a renewed regulatory frenzy after FTX. Financial market law already leads to enormous overregulation. One advantage of cryptocurrencies lies precisely in their efficiency, which must not be ruined by endless government overregulation and compliance.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, as the founder and co-owner of a Swiss bank, it is natural for me to look into cryptocurrencies.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I am generally against bans and regulations unless they are absolutely necessary.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: The free market will decide which digital assets will prevail and which will not. Therefore, politics should only be concerned about providing good framework conditions.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, cryptocurrencies are an interesting alternative to traditional financial investments.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. Each investor is responsible for his or her own investment decisions.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
2: Until now, digital assets have played a rather minor role in politics, but this could change significantly in the near future.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, sure. Stay tuned in any case.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, I am fundamentally opposed to any policy of prohibition and paternalism. Technology bans in particular are counterproductive.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: The issue comes up again and again, so it should remain on the watch list. However, we expressly warn against excessive regulatory intervention.
Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP Switzerland)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Not very much.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
I am in favor of strict oversight to prevent cryptocurrencies from being a vehicle for money laundering.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
2: Only under the angel of money laundering.
FDP.Die Liberalen (FDP Switzerland)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes. I hold cryptocurrencies myself, introduced crypto donations as the former president of the Jungfreisinnigen Switzerland, and am a founding member of the Swiss Blockchain Federation.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I am fundamentally against technology bans, because they prevent progress and innovation.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: We have taken important steps with the DLT legislation, which is why the need for political (legal) action is currently not as high as it was before.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, we discussed early on in the parliamentary group on digital sustainability how to position and regulate cryptocurrencies in the financial market.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, in a free market all possible types of currencies should be available.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: For my policy, I rank digital assets at level 3 and increasing.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, but only partially, as I have been less involved in financial instruments than some colleagues.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, because I am convinced that we cannot ignore new methods. What is important is safety for users and compliance with legal standards.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: Given my other priorities.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, but not for personal use. Rather, in the context of positioning Crypto-Valley Zug and political discussions around blockchain technology.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, I think technology bans are fundamentally unsuitable; framework legislation is needed for dealing with new technologies and applications.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
1 for assets 2; 3 for basic issues of regulations for blockchain applications.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, in relation to my financial investments.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. But standardized rules for both digital and cryptocurrencies need to be created across the board.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: It is not a first priority for me, as I do not participate in the relevant commission. But it seems important to me that the transfers of assets are clearly checked and that a white money strategy is not circumvented.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Absolutely. I hold various cryptocurrencies, but I also ran an equity tokenization in my time at neon. I think cryptocurrencies are just a first step. We need to understand that it’s about networks and using them.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Under no circumstances. One of my political demands is to recognize native cryptocurrencies and stablecoins as a legally recognized means of payment. We would thereby send a signal to the world that is unsurpassable in its significance.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: I believe we can now set the course to attract the crypto industry to Switzerland, not just to Zug. We absolutely have to take advantage of it.
The Center (Die Mitte)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: You have to take advantage of the opportunities.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Just casually.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
2: Is not high on the political agenda (which can also be an advantage!).
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes. Some colleagues own cryptocurrencies and I always get updated on the latest trends.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. However, I think it is important that customers are well informed about the opportunities and risks.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
2: In order for the Swiss financial marketplace to be fit for the future, trends must be followed and also offered.
Green Party of Switzerland (GRÜNE Schweiz)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, for a long time and also professionally. And also as a party, especially since we have had a very active internal networking policy working group for more than 10 years, which expresses itself on such topics.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Cryptocurrencies in general should not be banned. However, Bitcoin has an ecological footprint that is disproportionate to the real economic and social benefits. Energy-intensive mining, on the other hand, does not take place in Switzerland, which is why a mining ban in Switzerland would have no consequences. A possible ban on the holding and trading of cryptocurrencies would have to be technology-neutral and be based, for example, on the ecological footprint.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
4: Decentralization in the financial system should, in principle, lead to greater resilience. The current system has the enormous disadvantage of causing a massive crisis every 10-15 years. Blockchain currencies or other decentralized systems are therefore essential to keep on the political radar. Digital assets are a reality and will become more important.
Green Liberal Party Switzerland (GLP)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, but only superficially.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, I’m basically open to new technologies.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
2: My areas of competence lie elsewhere. Serious politics is not possible without specialization.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, as a nerd and programmer, I am particularly interested in the theoretical concepts behind it.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, I believe Bitcoins will find their place in the global economic system and will definitely play a meaningful role.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: At the moment, the focus is on other aspects such as sustainability, digitalization and international cooperation/trade.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
I am interested in the opportunities offered by this exciting product, but I set other priorities in my political work.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: I currently have responsibility for a dossier in another area.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, as an economist and university lecturer, but also as a financial politician, I am interested in new developments on the money and financial markets. However, I do not own any cryptocurrencies myself.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, new technologies should have the chance to prove themselves and become established. If they don’t, they disappear again of their own accord or eke out a niche existence.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
3: They have medium priority. The DLT Act has created a legal basis in Switzerland. The task now is to implement international standards worldwide, especially in the area of money laundering.
Federal Democratic Union (EDU)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, I’ve spent about 2,000 hours studying Bitcoin over the past 4 years (and of course other cryptocurrencies along with it).
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Absolutely not. It would not only be wrong, but also idiotic, since a Bitcoin ban cannot be enforced.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: The traditional financial system has serious problems and a Bitcoin standard could help in solving them.
Movement MASS-VOLL!
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
I run a Bitcoin lightning node and the movement MASS-VOLL! of which I am founder and president, is the only political actor advocating for Bitcoin as legal tender.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Anyone who supports this is a danger to freedom, fundamental rights and prosperity.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5! As the most liberal movement in Switzerland, we want to seize the means of power from the state and its servants and liberate the people. The state must not control the monetary system. This includes: Shrink the federal government to a minimum and disempower politics!
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes. I have been active in the financial industry for over 30 years. Cryptocurrencies offer new opportunities as a complement to payments and investments.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I am against technology bans. Cryptocurrencies are a successful innovation from the private sector. Any regulation must be minimal.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5. We demand that Bitcoin and other established cryptocurrencies be considered official means of payment. Private currencies discipline the unspeakable debt-making with steady devaluation of the currencies of many states.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, I have been involved with cryptocurrencies for 3 years and have bought several. I see cryptocurrencies, along with fiat money, as important for the future.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Very clearly NO! Especially now that many states (incl. Switzerland) are trying to control the citizens more and more via money, it is extremely important to have a digital currency that is decentralized and cannot be controlled by the state! We can already see the disaster brewing in China. There, the state can easily block a citizen’s money in large cities if he isn’t loyal to the party line.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
Medium, 3.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Very detailed, several thousand hours. I understand blockchain technology at a very detailed level, and I expect that this technology, based on the Internet, will become ten times bigger than the Internet itself.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
A ban is a no-go and not technically feasible. Bitcoin can be banned, but not prevented. Unless you shut down the Internet altogether.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: If we want to break away from the subjugation of Marxist central banks, the only way is via an open-source, fully private, decentralized blockchain like Monero or the even more secure Pirate Chain. Otherwise, the totalitarian, technocratic takeover of the Rockefeller Foundation & Co. can no longer be averted.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
So far, unfortunately, too little, but it is high time to do so.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
I am generally against bans. In addition to the preservation of cash, a legal digital means of payment is needed that is outside the power influence of the central banks.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: Cash, Bitcoin and Co. grant the security to preserve our freedom.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Only with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an interesting investment opportunity for me.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I don’t like bans in general.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
4: MASS-VOLL! calls for cryptocurrencies to be introduced as legal tender alongside cash.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes. Since the crash of 2008, I have been looking into the current (broken) monetary system and came across Bitcoin for the first time around 2012, but didn’t take a closer look yet. Since 2017, I have been studying cryptocurrencies intensively.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
Absolutely not. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies should rather be recognized as legal tender.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: We urgently need freedom-based alternatives to effectively counter central bank digital currency (CBDC), which will enable total control over our payment flows and thus our lives.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, I have a solid knowledge of cryptocurrencies. This includes not only the basic concepts like blockchain technology, but also specific cryptocurrencies, their applications, and the dynamics of the crypto market.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. I am clearly against bans and regulations if they are not absolutely necessary. For me, it should even be legally recognized as a regular means of payment.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: Digital assets occupy a prominent position in my policy agenda and therefore receive the highest priority, expressed with a rating of 5. I recognize the increasing importance of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets to the modern economy. My policies aim to promote innovative and clear regulations for the handling of digital assets to ensure their secure integration into the financial system.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, I am involved with Bitcoin and other currencies. Cryptocurrencies are an interesting approach for more justice in the monetary system independent of nation states.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, certainly not. The world needs a monetary system that is accessible to all without hurdles and detached from the central banks’ monetary policies.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
5: I support any approach that gives citizens more freedom. Bitcoin and thus free currencies are a core element of freedom.
Pirate Party Switzerland (PPS)
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, of course. I have had wallets for many years and enjoy using the many options cryptocurrencies have to offer.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. Bans rarely make sense and a Bitcoin ban would be complete nonsense.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
4: Digital assets are useful in many ways, e.g. for membership fees, donations or for transactions where the “old” solutions are simply too expensive or cumbersome, even internationally. Already in 2016, we financed the referendum against the BÜPF partly with Bitcoin donations.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
Yes. I made my first bitcoin transaction more than ten years ago, and since then I have been following the development of cryptocurrencies as well as other applications of blockchain technology closely.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No. A ban would not be possible to enforce due the peer-to-peer architecture and would only affect legal use.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
4: Decentrally organized digital assets can provide a technological counterbalance to the continuous expansion of state power and thus play an important role for freedom and fundamental rights in the digital age.
Do you have any experience with cryptocurrencies?
The first time I got involved with BTC was when the price was between 20 and 30. So it’s been a very long time.
Are you in favor of a bitcoin ban?
No, not at all. As someone who is deeply involved with cryptocurrencies, I think a ban would be counterproductive, apart from the fact that it would be completely impractical, or impossible, to implement. Bitcoin’s strength also lies precisely in its decentralization and independence from government intervention.
What priority do digital assets have in your policy (1 = very low, 5 = very high)?
4: I give them a high priority. Digital assets have enormous potential and offer opportunities for the future, both for Switzerland and for the global economy. It is important that we create the right framework to exploit this potential without overregulating the market. We should respect the freedom of the market while ensuring that it is fair and transparent to build investor and public confidence.