Finney is a denomination of the cryptocurrency ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network. One Finney is equal to 0.001 ETH and is sometimes used to describe smaller amounts of ETH, often the gas price. It was named after Hal Finney, a notable figure in the crypto space.
Similar to the fiat system, where a dollar can be split into cents, the same can be done for ETH. Finney allows users to make smaller transactions and minimal payments on the Ethereum network. The abbreviation used for Finney is "fin" or "FNY".
Understanding Finney
Within the Ethereum network, Ether is divided into smaller units. One Ether is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei, the smallest denomination of Ether. Other Ethereum denominations include Szabo, Mwei, Kwei and Gwei.
Ether = 1
Finney = 1'000
Szabo = 1'000'000
Gwei = 1'000'000'000
Wei = 1'000'000'000'000'000'000
To convert ETH to Finney, multiply the ETH amount by 1000. For example, 0.5 ETH x 1000 = 500 Finney. On the other hand, to convert Finney to ETH, divide the Finney amount by 1000. For example, 250 Finney / 1000 = 0.25 ETH.
Some Ethereum wallets allow users to trade and view balances in ETH, Finny and other denominations. Users can choose any denomination according to their needs or the size of the transaction. Finny helps to send small amounts with higher precision. For example, if an item costs 0.025 ETH, you can send a transaction of 25 FIN. This allows for more granularity and reduces the risk of overpaying.