Market Commentary von Patrick Heusser, Crypto Finance AG
Good Morning!
The buzzword for Q2 2020 will probably end up being Crypto Prime Brokerage (ok, that's three words, but you know what I mean...).
Currently, there are several institutions trying to position themselves for the prime broker spot. And there are already quite a few service providers that offer one part of being a prime broker: clearing. The second essential service is brokerage/execution.
Coinbase is expanding its exchange business
Coinbase is expanding its (purely) exchange business towards prime brokerage with its acquisition of Tagomi. It is a bit of a stretch because you might get the feeling that the execution business is not always being done in YOUR best interest due to the fact that Coinbase is an exchange. I am sure they will legally separate the two, but some scepticism about this will remain in my mind.
When I think back to the booming hedge fund space between 2000-2007, prime brokerage business was big among the biggest investment banks. However, only the top 5-10 players were able to provide that service successfully. One important aspect of being able to do it is the extensive relationships you need to have across most of the trading counterparties in financial markets - and also a big balance sheet.
This brings me to my point as to why Coinbase has acquired Tagomi. I do not believe it is on account of their trading/execution platform, but for their onboarded and fully KYC'd clients. They get both categories: buy and sell side clients. And add this to the relationship portfolio of Coinbase and they will have a good chunk of the pie, helping them on their way to becoming a prime broker.
Other companies, e.g. Copper/ClearLoop have tackled the issue that fund and asset managers do not want (or are not allowed) to put client money on unregulated exchanges. They offer to stay in-between as a central clearing house. They face similar challenges of being successful: they need to overcome the critical amount of relationships with exchanges, OTC brokers, and liquidity providers to be of added value for fund and asset managers.
If you ask me why Coinbase did not choose a clearing house provider, I do not know. My guess is that they really liked the relationship portfolio Tagomi had to offer.
And what does this mean for the future?
I believe this is a natural development in the cryptocurrency trading ecosystem. It is a logical consequence due to the absence of traditional banks. The community is filling the gap themselves. The medium-term outlook: I believe that with more money/assets coming in to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, some traditional banks will follow - despite what Goldman Sachs said on their investment call the day before yesterday.
Der tägliche Marktkommentar von Patrick Heusse
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Anlagen und Investitionen, insbesondere in Kryptowährungen, sind grundsätzlich mit Risiko verbunden. Der Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Kryptowährungen sind sehr volatil und können daher in kurzer Zeit extremen Kursschwanken ausgesetzt sein. Eine Nutzung der Informationen aus dieser Publikation erfolgt ausschliesslich und einzig auf eigenes Risiko des Nutzers. Ein Nutzer sollte sich in jedem Fall vor einer Anlage- und Investitionsentscheidung über die damit verbundenen Risiken im Klaren sein und sich bei Bedarf geeignet beraten lassen.
About the author

Patrick Heusser is Head of Trading at Crypto Broker AG. Prior to joining the company, Patrick worked as an Interest Rate Trader at UBS and held various positions in the IRCC (interest rate, commodity and foreign exchange trading) in London, New York, Singapore and Zurich. Patrick is an expert in trading and risk management. He also gained experience in other areas, such as building start-up companies. Patrick has a degree in banking from a business school. He has also taken various courses in technical chart analysis.