The five current technological megatrends for banks include block chain technology and the resulting crypto economy. After initial hesitation about block chaining in the banking sector, most leading financial institutions now recognize the opportunities along with it. Last winter, the Institute for Financial Services IFZ presented the Banking Trend-Map 2019. In a professional article based on this, a focus on the technical megatrends shows the challenges facing the financial industry and the options for action that appear to be appropriate. Blockchain is one of the five current technological megatrends. This is in line with the observations of our industry experts. Considerable…
Author: Daniel Blatter

Daniel Blatter
Daniel Blatter ist seit 2015 für InCore Bank als Head Digital Services tätig. Sein Team brachte das Angebot im Bereich digitaler Vermögenswerte zur Marktreife. Er war lange Jahre in der Entwicklung und im Produktma-nagement für den Core-Banking-Hersteller Finnova tätig, verfügt unter anderem über Abschlüsse an der ETH und der Universität Zürich und mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der IT- und Finanzindustrie.
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Ripple’s XRP advances as the SEC drops its case, clearing the path for major 2025 upgrades in compliance and tokenization.
US banks develop blockchain system for tokenization and stablecoins – a milestone for the digitalization of payment transactions.