Market Commentary von Patrick Heusser, Crypto Finance AG
Good Morning!
We saw some action over the long Easter weekend, but not much happened in terms of the big picture.
BTC$ (4h)
First of all, none of our possible patterns played out. Doing a TA during a consolidation phase it is hard not to try to find "any" pattern. But sometimes, it is just a sideways move.
The 7.5k resistance level is a tough nut to crack. We tried it a few times with no success, which forced some of the longs to throw in the towel.
That first wave pushed the price down just below the 7k level, right at the upper band of the Ichimoku cloud. There was some consolidation, and then one last try from the bulls failed just below 7.2k. This failure led to a bigger push to the downside, even into the Ichimoku cloud, but it stopped at its lower band.
Since then, we have been recovering slowly but surely back up to the upper band of the cloud. It is still bullish (green) by the way.
I see the current consolidation ranges as follows:
- The very wide band is 4.9k - 7.5k
- Inside that band I see 5.9k - 6.6k
BTC$ (daily)
On the daily chart things look more clear. It also confirms the tough resistance at around the 7.5k level. If we fail to push into the cloud and attack the upper band to print a daily closing above the cloud, we might slip lower towards 6.6k.
But if the bulls have enough power and we push through the resistance at 7.5k, the path will be clear up to 8.2k.
ETH$ (4h)
As we mentioned in last week's report, we saw a pushback to $152. Now, we are hovering near the upper band of the Ichimoku cloud.
One thing is for sure, there was a lot of trading around the $135 level. The price volume bar (on the right-hand side) indicates that a lot of ETH has changed hands there. Any long position should get reduced if we trade below that level.
On the top side, I believe we need a proper push through the $170 level with a daily closing above it and a follow-through day. This could open up the path to the $200 mark.
BCH$ (daily)
A few days have now passed since the halving, and I think it is time to take look at the big picture of Bitcoin Cash.
Unfortunately, it is not showing any clear direction or trend. However, what is clearly visible is its volatility. Currently, we are trading between two large liquidity pools: $220 and $300.
BSV$ (daily)
Bitcoin Cash's little brother looks even more volatile. At least I believe it has a decent support line at around $75.
The Ichimoku cloud seems to be providing some decent resistance.
LTC$ (weekly)
Litecoin is still in that very large symmetrical triangle (almost a three-year pattern). There are three touch points on both legs.
Purely in terms of the Ichimoku cloud, I see no reason to get excited on the bullish side. The lower band of the cloud has acted like the upper leg of the triangle as resistance.
I would say you should be very careful if the price dips below the lower leg of the triangle. There is not much support until we reach the $5 area.
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About the author

Patrick Heusser is Head of Trading at Crypto Broker AG. Prior to joining the company, Patrick worked as an Interest Rate Trader at UBS and held various positions in the IRCC (interest rate, commodity and foreign exchange trading) in London, New York, Singapore and Zurich. Patrick is an expert in trading and risk management. He also gained experience in other areas, such as building start-up companies. Patrick has a degree in banking from a business school. He has also taken various courses in technical chart analysis.