Technical Analysis
Good Morning!
Bitcoin BTC$ (4h)
The triangle has worked out nicely, and yesterday it already reached the target (at roughly $16.8k).
The bullish wave structure is still in place, and as long we trade above $15.6k there is nothing to worry about (except if you are not long...).

Ethereum ETH$ (4h)
ETH is not playing along as expected. The dip down into the $440 region has given some people quite a scare. From a wave structure point of view, I believe we need to dip below $430.
I removed the potential bull flag and changed it to an upward trending channel. I believe that if we break above $490, we will see more buyers coming in.
Ethereum/Bitcoin ETHBTC (4h)
It looked like a really good idea until we hit the 0.0303 level. I have now lost faith in it. I will watch things closely with the stop level of 0.025 still in place.
If I see any good opportunities to move some of my ETH into a DeFi token I will.
AAVE$ (4h)
At roughly $90, we are near the ATH during the DeFi summer craze. However, it is a tough call right now... I am still long, but need to think of potentially taking some profit.
There is no clear sign yet that is turning me bearish, so I think the best way to play this is to place take-profit orders higher up.
COMP$ (4h)
Confirmation is here! Go long with a stop in the region of $110.
If you already have DeFi exposure, you can also try to place some limit orders further down. I believe we might see a dip just below the $120 level.
LINK$ (4h)
I have sort of lost my patience with LINK, and have taken off my longs. I will have another look at it, though, if we break through $13.75.
A major support level is still in place at $10.
SOL$ (4h)
No change here. We need to break $2.50 to get some additional fresh momentum to the upside.
SNX$ (4h)
I'm still holding on to my longs. As expected, the $4.50-$4.80 resistance is a tough cookie. But we are on track to push through it.
YFI$ (4h)
We saw some nice performance here. The next stop is $22k. Given the current overall market mood, I believe we will push through it.
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About the author

Patrick Heusser is Head of Trading at Crypto Broker AG. Prior to joining the company, Patrick worked as an Interest Rate Trader at UBS and held various positions in the IRCC (interest rate, commodity and foreign exchange trading) in London, New York, Singapore and Zurich. Patrick is an expert in trading and risk management. He also gained experience in other areas, such as building start-up companies. Patrick has a degree in banking from a business school. He has also taken various courses in technical chart analysis.