Regular market commentary on what's happening in the crypto markets, summarized by the Crypto Broker team at Crypto Finance AG.
Good Morning!
Bitcoin (BTC) remained very strong over the course of the trading week and outperformed almost all other coins once again. The weekly gain is more than $5,000 (+9.5%).

Ethereum (ETH) started catching up towards the end of the week, and the spread is currently trading at 0.064, which is 6.5% higher than the week’s trading low of 0.06. In terms of the money volatility, Bitcoin has not changed a great deal but started to increase before the weekend in basically all tenors.

Risk Reversal structures are becoming expensive as downside skew increased permanently during the upmove. Overall funding strategies are not overstretched at all, and all of these factors (paired with the outstanding approval of an ETF in the US) is giving bitcoin greater potential on the upside to soon reach an all-time high. During the last few weeks, Bitcoin led the way from an important support level of $40,000 to almost $60,000 and easily outperformed nearly all the altcoins.
Will we soon see an Altcoin Rally?
As long as Bitcoin stays strong, it will be difficult for other coins to outperform the “King”. As we saw in 2020 before the end of the year, Bitcoin needed to calm down a bit and consolidate before the Altcoins could catch fire and start catching up. At the desk, the volume has slowed down a bit, and investors have taken some profit, but more interesting is the fact that the volume is concentrated more or less in Bitcoin and Ether. We expect a rather volatile weekend ahead as the market is highly uncorrelated at the moment.
Happy trading!
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