Author: Editorial Office CVJ.CH

The CVJ editorial staff consists of a team of Blockchain experts and informs daily and independently about the most exciting news.

What is Bitcoin? The decentralized network represents the first functional concept capable of transferring value over the internet without central authorities. An overview of the history and fundamentals of the oldest and largest cryptocurrency.’re in the year 2008, the internet revolution has entered a sustainable growth phase. Users can transfer data across the globe within seconds. Communication and electronic commerce via websites have become everyday occurrences. However, transferring money over the internet remains difficult. There’s no way around the major financial institutions that act as intermediaries. Credit card companies, banks, and payment service providers divide the global payment traffic among…

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Since their launch in mid-January, the impressive inflows into the newly approved U.S. bitcoin ETFs have dominated financial headlines. More than $12 billion flowed into the products in one quarter, setting an overwhelming record. Now the tide is starting to turn. On January 11, 2024, nearly a dozen fund providers got the green light to launch the first spot-based bitcoin ETFs in the United States. Issuers include financial giants such as BlackRock, Fidelity and many others. Since the launch, hundreds of millions of dollars have flowed into the products each week, driving the price of bitcoin significantly higher. The recent…

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Some of the world’s biggest companies use Stripe’s software. Now, the Irish-American FinTech’s offers an option for cryptocurrency payments. Initially, Stripe supports the USDC stablecoin on Ethereum, Solana and Polygon, with more to follow. Stripe has been experimenting with crypto payments since 2014. However, the then young startup concluded a few years later that Bitcoin was not ready for mass adoption. The fintech criticized the cryptocurrency’s high fees, long wait times, and unstable value. Meanwhile, blockchain technology has evolved. So-called stablecoins, cryptocurrencies pegged to fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar, enable stable payments on new blockchains at record speeds. Stripe…

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Basically, any application that includes functions for storing and handling cryptocurrencies can be called a crypto wallet. A detailed introduction to how wallets work and an overview of different types of crypto wallets and their use cases. It is important to note that cryptocurrencies are not stored on the wallet itself, but on the blockchain. The coins/token on the blockchain are assigned to a publicly visible address. These addresses can be viewed with block explorers. Apart from privacy coin logs, transaction histories and balances of addresses are publicly accessible. The public address is generated from the private key by a complex mathematical…

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